Friday, November 4, 2011

DIY Corkboard!

Dear Diary,

I had an amazing picture frame at my wedding reception and I took it home afterwards.  It seemed a little too big for one photo, so instead I made it into a fun cork board and pinned fun things inside.

What you need:



piece of fabric (**JoAnn Fabrics has pre-cut pieces that are always on sale!)

pins (or tacks)

cork board (for sale at JoAnn Fabrics... find coupon online!)

pictures and other decorations

frame (any shape or size)

How to begin:

  1. In every picture frame there is a piece of paper. Take that paper and lay it over the cork board to get the correct size. I got cork board that I had to cut out then glue together. Test the size of the cork board by putting it inside the frame. 

  2. Lay the fabric over the cork board. Hot glue gun around the edge. Be sure to keep the fabric as tight, or loose, as you would like. Be sure to leave a little slack just to be sure the cork will be completely hidden.

  3. Pop the cork board with fabric into the frame. 

  4. Decorate!

This can be displayed in many different rooms. Also, the pictures can change whenever you please!



  1. Love the feather detail!! Totally unexpected but awesome! :) You should totally enter this project into Craftbaby's DIY a Corkboard Challenge! :)

