Friday, January 20, 2012

Resolution #2 FITNESS… myfitnesspal app: Tested, Tried & True

Dear Diary,
Unlike the first resolution, my resolution to fitness is one I can speak confidently about.  I’ve been working on this one for years now.  The exciting part is that I finally have some answers that I think everyone, especially busy moms can appreciate.  I officially started a resolution to lose 15 pounds on October 16th 2011, three months ago… that’s 12 weeks so I can tell you what I’ve learned so far and what I plan to do moving forward.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Perfect Toddler Gift and a Mod-Podge Masterpiece!


Dear Diary,

Craft time! Gift time! This is one of my favorite things to make as a gift to give the kids in our life... newborn to 4 years old.  It is personalized, useful and my kids can help create it!  My kids use their stools all day long to reach the fridge water and the bathroom sink and the toilet etc! They are independent and usually that's a good thing. So, let's get started.

Friday, January 13, 2012

From Fiscally Responsible Family to White Trash in Split Seconds

Dear Diary,

We are off to a great start with the new budget but I am already itching for a new outfit.  It is 2 weeks into January and I am trying to figure out ways to feed my shopping bug that is still responsible.  I had some returns to make at Kohl’s from Christmas last week.  It was well before naptime so everyone was in great spirits as we waited in the customer service line.  The girls were all put together in their new boots from Christmas and hair in ponytails.  They entertained the people around us with some songs… “The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow!” … aw- they're adorable!  So far, yes. I shuffled through my wallet and found 2 very old Kohl’s gift cards.  I had no idea of their value or where I got them.  Also with my receipts, I had some “Kohl’s cash” that expired a few days earlier! Darn it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Dear Diary,
Routine makes Life less chaotic then it already is.

A new year doesn't have to be the beginning of a routine but maybe a tweak in what you already have. Along with all the advice I was given by moms, one I listened to was to start a bedtime routine around 3 months of age.  We started the routine when Layla became 2 1/2 months old.  My 4 Bs: Bath, Books, Boob, Bed. Layla is now 7 months old and is very used to the routine that she doesn't sleep

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray for Motherly Instincts

Dear Diary,

I am living proof that motherly instincts are real! I recall a particular story that can prove it. I was at my sister Sarah's house when her daughter who was 8 months old got a hold of something.  Like every other infant, that "something" went straight into her mouth! We noticed her starting to choke. This was before I was mom. In fact, this was before I was even thinking about being a mom. I instantly started cringing and flapping my arms. I was so nervous I couldn't even watch.  Sarah quickly grabbed Eva and started to perform the Heimlich maneuver on her- while she told me to call 911. I quickly dialed and started panic mode while practically yelling at the lady

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolution numero uno... Financial Responsibility:)

Dear Diary,

Its time to “Resolute!”… set some goals and make them happen.   This topic is not just cheesy January water cooler chit-chat to me.  I’ve got some energy behind this topic and some real world experience in making change.  I draw from a number of my life’s experiences when it comes to resolutions.  Making change is not easy but there are things that you can do to have a better chance at setting and reaching your goals. After all, one definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Don’t be insane, if you want to make change, do something different, even uncomfortable, to get a new outcome.